31 March 2005

Moi - A Number of Things

I’m finding it hard to write an interesting-yet-factual bio entry, so I’ll put up the ubiquitous but (somewhat) easier list of things. Not 100 yet. But some number. Maybe more, eventually!

  1. I’m old. I don’t feel any older than I did at 21 or so. More experienced, but not older.
  2. Yet, Old Age and Treachery Will Overcome Youth and Skill. Because so far, so good.
  3. I have three cats and one dog. The dog would like the cats better if they’d just play with him, and they’d like him better if he just lived somewhere else.
  4. I like to run, even on hot, humid days. I hate running hills.
  5. Hills are good for your butt, though.
  6. I’m pretty slow. I could be somewhat faster if I “trained” doing speed days and fartleks and stuff, but nah. See #2 and substitute “speed” for “skill.”
  7. I’m currently in Houston.
  8. I’m a South Carolina native.
  9. I call New Orleans home. I’d never have left but for my greedy desire for a decent income so I could continue live in the manner to which I’d become accustomed.
  10. I love my job, even if it isn't in New Orleans.
  11. My father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s 10 years ago.
  12. When I got that news, I understood why Forrest Gump ran.