Dang. They’ve gone and changed the workout classes at the gym again. I was warned that the class schedules would change about every quarter. Which, certainly, yeah, is understandable, but don’t be messing around with my schedule! As I noted, I’m challenging myself to daily gym workouts -- cross-training challenges muscles that aren’t used as much when you run.
But… sigh. They’ve deleted the Thursday evening Studio Cycle class. That class was the perfect spinning class for me. Not too hard, but with enough coaching from the instructor that I got a good workout. I was getting better and better at it too. Now my only choice for spinning-type classes is the more advanced “Cycle 60.” The instructors for that class are a bit more critical when they think you're slacking (no, I would never, ever do that), and it’s all about pace, pace, pace (Or maybe rate? Or count?). It’s all about keeping up the rate your feet go around while making it harder and harder to pedal. And Keeping Your Heart Rate Up. Which, OK, but I prefer a kinder, gentler class. And also, I feel inferior to the hardbodies who take the class regularly, training for the Tour for Cure or whatever.
I know I’ll take up another class, and I’ll ride my bike this weekend, but I’ll whine about this change for a while. At least that’s all there is to whine about these days!
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