16 March 2006

Back for a Min.

I've been busy since August.

My father had a stroke in late August 2005, so I headed to SC to be with my mom whle he was in the hospital. I went back to Houston for a week, and

Katrina hit New Orleans. I headed back to SC because my dad worsened, and died September 8. His funeral was September 11. I stayed a few days and headed back to Houston, where

My company was calling me hourly from Gonzales, Louisiana, to get me to come help. They had a part of the recovery effort and knew I'd a lot of experience in Louisiana and on Government contracts.

Rita hit Southwestern Louisiana just as I had planned my travel to Gonzales.

I drove over from Houston across an eerie Interstate 10, with national guard or highway patrol or local police stationed at each exit from Beaumont through Lafayette.

I reached Gonzales and started working. 7-12s.

And here I remain. I hope to go home to Houston in the next month or so.

This has been a wild ride.